Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Performance Text

In case you'd like to study up in time for the show (which opens tonight!), here is a link to the performance text used for the production, from the University of Victoria's Internet Shakespeare Editions:

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cast List

Berry, Leandro - Cobbler, Casca, Claudius

Carere, Paul - Flavius, Trebonius, Fourth Plebian, Volumnius/Fourth Soldier (Brutus)

Cormier, John - Third Soldier (Antony)

DeSouza-Coelho, Shawn - Mark Antony

Dukovic, Kristi - Marcus Brutus

Errey, Sean - Cinna the conspirator, Servant to Octavius, Lucilius

Gregg, Kate - Cicero, Third Plebian, Lepidus

Lam, David - Caius Cassius

Li, Eileen - Servant to Julius Caesar, Dardanus/Second Soldier (Brutus)

Metcalfe, David - Marullus, Artemidorus, Cinna the Poet, Pindarus, First Soldier (Antony)

McCallum, Lisa - Carpenter, Caius Ligarius, Messala

Myers, Ciaran - Lucius

O’Grady, Amy - Calphurnia, Second Plebian, Titinius

Pilatzke, Brenda - Decius, Strato

Pinnell, Patrick - Various

Reid, Terry - Julius Caesar, Another Poet, Caesar’s Ghost

Robson, Caitlin - Messenger, Second Soldier (Antony)

Sartoretto, Reanna - Third Soldier (Brutus)

Smith, Jessica - Metellus Cimber, Varro

Steiner, Rebecca - Soothsayer, Clitus/First Soldier (Brutus)

Ulrich, Jeff - Portia, Octavius

Walker, Kimberlee - Publius, First Plebian, Young Cato

Press Release

UW Drama invites you to attend our first ever production of William Shakespeare’s great political tragedy, Julius Caesar.

Julius Caesar traces the plot against a brilliant leader, his brutal assassination, and the civil war that follows. Its characters are among Shakespeare’s most memorable: Marcus Brutus, the assassin-hero of the play; Marcus Antonius, his charismatic nemesis; Caesar himself, whose ghost still walks in parliaments, palaces, and public places all over the western world.

The play tackles moral dilemmas that are uncomfortably familiar to us today. Is the world changing so fast that we are losing our values? What if our leaders are destroying our culture? Can democracy survive globalization? Would you risk civil war to bring down a dictatorship? How far would you go for your conscience? Your country? Can we be human in politics? In war? What if we get it wrong?

In this fast-paced political thriller, Shakespeare challenges us to find our humanity in a shockingly inhumane world.

Set Elevation and Floor Plan by William Chesney

Set Elevation

Floor Plan - Left

Floor Plan- Right

Costume Design Sketches by Jocelyne Sobeski


Casca and Caesar

Caius Ligarius and Caesar's servant

Cinna the Poet



Caesar's Mask

Decius and Brutus


Antony and Calphurnia


Antony & Octavius' army

Brutus' army

Commoners and Tribune




This blog is your source for information on the University of Waterloo Drama Department's fall 2008 production of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, directed by Jennifer Roberts-Smith.

Feel free to comment on posts, ask questions and even submit information of your own to be posted by the administrators.

Check back frequently, as we will attempt to keep up-to-date on all pertinent information regarding the production.

Thanks for reading.